
About me

I'm happily letting the obsessive sides of my personality turn to crossword puzzles. I started solving the New York Times in 2006 somewhere, but only solved the New York Times, and frequently not every day, until April 2017. Since then I've added more puzzles to my weekly routine and tournaments to my travel schedule, and have largely created this blog so I can talk about puzzles more.

Crossing Ahab

I took a seminar my senior year on Moby Dick and it is my favorite book. Ahab's not in the upper tier of crossword fill, but he shows up plenty enough. The morning of my first tournament (Lollapuzoola 10 in 2017), I did a Wall Street Journal puzzle from some time in June or July that had AHAB at 1-Across. That's now my Twitter profile pic, because why not.

Speed solving

"Why not just enjoy the puzzle without trying to race through it?"

I get that, but if I do that, I also get to do fewer puzzles. And see above re: obsessive side. This feels like a comfortable place to be self-competitive, especially since my knees don't like it when I run much anymore. I post my NYT times on Twitter each night to join in the conversation there, and following an encouraging improvement at ACPT 2019 have started posting times for most puzzles on Dan Feyer's Not A Blog, which right now is used by a handful of very fast people, but
(and I feel comfortable saying this because Dan says it) I hope can become a home for solvers of all speeds.

I will likely talk freely about speed here and am comfortable with the fact that that may turn people off.


Hopefully someday, and hopefully someday soon. I also hope in general to participate in different ways in the crossword community, but the reality is so far my favorite thing to do has been to solve. We'll see what happens.

Puzzles in my rotation

See the sidebar or perhaps a separate page, but I'm writing this page first, so we'll see what happens and I'll edit later.